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Mi foto
I am twelve, and this blog has been made because of a school proyect, hope you like it and enjoy it, I chose this theme by myself

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

It is the time

In Copenhagen, all world's important politics are discussing the world's end or if it will continue.
They are deciding if they are going to reduce their carbon footprint and by how much, a good desition can save the world, a bad, destroy it, hope powerful countries like U.S.A. or China get to an agreement.

Good luck

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009


People who can see this blog are probably fit and eat well, sometimes we throw food away, we treat food as if it was insignificant, the people in the video don´t think as us, see it ALL.
This has won lots of prices, and maybe can teach us all a lesson.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Car, bus, bycicle...

We, but only in the U.S.A. consume 950 million metric tonnes of oil, this costs 1 800 000 000$ and this is only for the last 20 years, the United States is the country which consumes more fossil fuels in the world, the richest countries in the world consume more oil, this is a problem, all the oil will becomes CO2, to avoid this, we have to use more the public transportrather than taxis or cars, we use less vehicles and emite less CO2 to the atmosphere.

Why hunt?

Hunting is one cause of the extintion of some spicies of animals, this is irritating, all the sports invented, why hunt? I hate hunting, and we all have to cooperate to stop hunting, champaigns have been made and there is a season for hunting, not enougth, hunting should be done not for fun, but to eat the animals caught.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009


When we recycle, we save material such as trees, these are important for the discoverment of new antibiotics, and also these give the nutrients of soil so crops can grow by the falling of dead insects, if you were to grow crops using modern farming, by the second year you will have to add fertilisers to grow them.

Also if we recycle, we save energy:
By recycling a bottle, you save energy to see the television for three hours, for a piece of paper, one hour having lightted a light bulb, and for a plastic bag, energy to charge fully a telephone cell.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009


If you want to save the world from global warming, you can enter in the champaign, go to
http://repoweramerica.org and be part of us.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009


Although we now have problems in the planet, if we get through these, in a long period of time(100 000 000 000 years) the sun as ever star, it would die, die by becoming a red gigant(it will run out of fuel and expand extramly fast) and then it will absorb the earth as the other planets, and at a point it stops getting bigger and explodes leaving a supernova(a big storm in space of the materials left) and certainly no one will survive.


As population increases we need more resourses, but this is destroying the world. The Amazon rainforest is being cut down and now it is left only one half since we started cutting it. Every minute a part the size of a football stadium is cutted.
And worse, places in the world that are desserts are extending and some places that aren't are becoming.
And worse than that, by 2070 we will start running out of food and we will only have a litre of water per person every day.
We are done for.

More and More

Today days we are almost seven billion people in planet earth, in 2050 there would be three billion more, thats ten billion people. this is because we have discovered and invented incredible things. For example, in 1928, the penicillin was dis covered by Alexander Fleming, and this was our first antibiotic discovered, and now we know all antibiotics come from fungi in the roots in the trees. Penicillin has saved millions of lifes all around the world.
In 1900s the life expentancy was in about 35 years, but medicines can now cure people so they live more.
Another problem is that if most people live, and most reproduce and have two children, 2x2x2x2... this will make more births than deaths in the world and it would get over populated and there will be not enouth space for everyone and what is worse, there would be no resources and we will all die.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009


We are running out of food, we are dum, cows used to eat grass, now they eat grain, for every 100 kg grain we give to a cow, we get only 1kg of beef, 99kg food are being waste, half people in the world have not got food to feed, and there are millions of cases like this, we cannot play with food or by 2050 we won't have any.

What happens to the rubbish?

Rubbish is transported to a landfields, these are holes in the floor, far apart from the villages and cities, where we dump the rubbish. Can we dump for ever? The answer is no, imagine rubbish everywhere, it is really disgusting, we have to recycle, this will slow the process, and the world will be safe.

Where do feaces go?

Feaces, in other words poo, goes directly to the sea, it is horribly disgusting. It goes down the toilet to the sea by a drenage pipe that goes all over the city(it is underground) and because poo is made of bacteria(bad) and undigested food, it kills sea life, sometimes these are near beaches, so imagine yourself havind fun in the sea without knowing you are ontop of feaces. We have to stop this.

Do not

We are contaminating this planet, contamination destroys habitats and the animals living there, the acid rain is a big problem, it is pollution from factories that in the air, when it rains, it dissolves into it and the rain kills plants, animals, fungi, protozones and sea life.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Our fault

Everything we have done to the Earth is our fault, Fossil Fuels are going to dissapear and we need sustainable sourcess of energy, till now we have found:
1.Hydroelectric, this produces energy by the force of the movement of water, this moves a turbine.
2.Wind, wind moves the rotor blades in a wind turbine, the turbine produces electricity.
3.Biomass, this is produced by animals, they produce methane gas(flamable) in their process of egestion. It is a nice energy for internal combustion engines.
4. Thermal, it is mainly used in Island, there, there are underground volcanoes that heat water in the underground and the vapour left can move a turbine.
These are the main ones.
5.Solar, there are several ways of using this natural energy, one is just by heating water with sunlight and the other one uses a semiconductor which produces electricity.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

Water reactions

The heat produced in the planet, affects the poles by melting them. That gigantic mass of ice when it melts, makes the sea level rise and some places dissapear, especially islands, and some coasts.
The heat makes every single thing expand, this is because heat gives energy to things, and the particles in those things move or vibrate faster so they occupy more space, changes are not noticed but in high amounts of thing it can cause considerable damage to sea sites.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009


I personaly hate pollution, factories produce lots of pollution. This pollution blocks the sky and when in the day, sun rays penetrate atmosphere, in the night, the radiation of the rays, try to scape but they can't because pollution in the sky stops it from scaping.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Global warming

Global warming is a very serious problem, it affects the whole world. Pollution is the biggest problem in global warming, the carbon dioxide(CO2) is emited by cars, airplanes and of every thing that funtion with a fosil fuel, the fosil fuels are animals and plants that died millions of years ago, were buried underground and extracted by us, humans.